Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Overworked and Underpaid....Not Really.

(Image found on Google)

So, little update on the life of Aly. It's finally looking like spring has come to Canada! Yay! On the downside, several of my coworkers are off work for various reasons so I've been picking up shifts like crazy. Which unfortunately means that I haven't been able to read as much as I'd like to(It's so terrible!!!). But I've got some reviews coming up that I think you'll love! Not to mention a blog tour stop or two, interviews and some teasers from one of my favourite authors, Toni Aleo, who has a new book coming out June 10th which I for one cannot wait for! 

If you didn't know she's doing a month of Assassin's(a hockey series which the new book is a part of) which means since May 10th she has been releasing different things about her series. To find out more about it check out her Facebook page. And don't forget to check out my review of Taking Shots, the first in the Assassin's series and her novella in the Seduced by the Game Anthology! Both of which are amazing, especially if you like hockey....and hot men.....yes, I have a problem and I'm not afraid to admit it. Haha.

Speaking of Hockey, have any of you been watching the playoffs? It seems like at least two of the games are going to be very interesting. The Montreal Canadiens and the Boston Bruins are forced to go to Game 7 and so are the New York Rangers and the Pittsburgh Penguins. I've been watching the games for the most part and they've been interesting! I can't wait to see who comes out on top! (Hopefully this means the Montreal Canadiens).

I can't wait for you guys to read some of the things I've got coming up and I really hope you enjoy it! Now to get to books. What do you think about movie adaptations of books? Are you generally down on them all or feel that they should  be judged case by case?

I'm a case by case person. Some movies they can adapt the books really well. Others not so much. If you didn't know there's a film adaptation of The Giver coming to movie screens soon(I can't remember the date though) and I'm kind of iffy about it. I feel like it could potentially be amazing and live up to the book's potential but that it might also crash and burn. But guess I'll have to just wait and see. 

What do you guys think??

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