Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Unrelenting Nightmare by Stan Yocum

(Image found on Goodreads)

Stuart Garrison is in the cross hairs of a famous assassin, who was hired by his rival. The FBI has been trying to track Nomed down for years and when they finally catch a break, they jump on the opportunity. But certain things beyond their control keep bringing Nomed too close for comfort. Will they be able to save Stuart Garrison or will Nomed strike again? Find the official description on Goodreads.

Overall, Unrelenting Nightmare  was an easy read, with lots of action to keep your attention. Stan Yocum has created characters that you're either in love with and cheering for or hate and wish they were dead. And the writing had few if any errors in it. It seemed to almost flawlessly go across the page.

There are certain scenes that honestly will make no sense until you get farther into the book. They serve as background information and it definitely makes the characters come to life, even if you think they're a bit disturbed or arrogant.

The virtual reality concepts that were throughout the book actually sounded really interesting and like something that I would certainly love to see in the future!

Overall, Unrelenting Nightmare was a good, strong read.

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