Sunday, May 17, 2015

Update on Life

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Alright, so it seems like a while since I've done one of these. Mostly because I find it can be awkward and I never know what to say. But I figured it would be a nice break from the reviews and tours.

Update on life in general. So school is done for another year, only one more until I get my undergraduate degree. I'm looking at graduate schools already and the possibility of doing a trip across Canada with a friend but things are crazy expensive! I also have been hired by Tara Oakes to be her PA, and that has been an experience. I'm back to work and getting awesome hours! Makes for a tired Aly but at least I'll have money for school. Also got all caught up on Once Upon A Time(I missed the last six episodes I think) and woah! Did not expect that and it was kind of scary!

Book wise I've got plenty of awesome reviews or tours coming up. I'm reading like a maniac when I'm not at work and enjoying the heck out of it. So, keep with me to hear about some new books!

I'm not really sure what else to say so I'm just gonna peace out! Later!

PS. If you're interested in becoming a reviewer on Reading Shy With Aly with the possibility of it turning into more responsibility then please fill out this form:

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