Sunday, June 1, 2014

Rules of Survival by Jus Accardo

(Image found on Goodreads.)
"I was losing my touch." -Jus Accardo, Rules of Survival 

Mikayla has been following her mother's rules all of her life as they lived on the run. But a year after her mother's murder she breaks one...and finds trouble. Bounty hunters have finally caught up to her and she is a suspect in her mother's murder. But Mikayla knows that her mother left a clue to lead her to the real murderer. However she ends up handcuffed to a rather handsome and dangerous bounty hunter. Will they kill each other before finding out the truth or will the truth really set Mikayla free? Find the official description on Goodreads.

Rules of Survival is told from the prospective of Mikayla. Which is great because we get to see everything that's going on from her point of view. But what's even better is the fact that the narration is told in Mikayla's voice. Yes, that sentence may not make a lot of sense but she's got a good sense of humour, and an easy way of telling the story. It keeps the reader engaged and the plot line keeps the reader interested. Not to mention that Mikayla is witty and her banter with Shaun is very entertaining.

We know little about either character's past and it becomes an addiction to find out everything you can about what has happened to make Mikayla and her mother run from the law. Not to mention have a bounty hunter come after them so much and so hard. Because it can't be solely from the money that he has that almost hatred for Mikayla's mom.

Jus Accardo has created characters that readers can empathize with and who draw the readers in. Rules of Survival is quite enjoyable and I suggest you give it a read.

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